Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Is It Fall Already?

Can you believe it is fall already? I barely feel like we got a break over the summer.

Our biggest project this past month was implementing a new software system that will integrate all our programs into one big shared database. It is taking a lot of time to transition, but it is a huge step forward in technology and will help us scads as we grow as a company.

This change does affect the box office, so please forgive us if things are a little slow to begin with. One small change for those who subscribe with friends under one name; we gathered information about your groups so we could assign tickets to members if the group got split up. At this time, our new system won't allow for that. Lots of great new features, but we lose this ability. We ask for patience as we make this transition.

But with the fall upon us, the new season starts now! Wendy Wasserstein's Third previews this weekend and opens on the 4th. Yes, Third opens on the 4th. Don't let that throw you!

And that's the word on the street!

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